
Prikazuju se postovi od ožujak, 2022

"Festival Svijetla

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to attend one of the greatest festivals in Zagreb: The Lights Festival. The lights, the culture, the atmosphere, all together were significantly a great way to get involved within the Croatian society. The bright colors represented the diversity and the tolerance of the Croatian people. I also had the opportunity to visit several places such as the Cathedral of Zagreb, which amazed me with its architecture and its Roman Catholic heritage. I also took a chance to explore the mystery of the Gric Tunnel and discover its details. Furthermore, Mimara museum was a great destination to dive into art and even to just observe its tremendous building. Also, I had great fun at the Museum of Illusion, sharing pictures with friends, and taking hilarious positions together with wonderful people. It was an amazing experience through which I look forward to explore more of this great city.   Prošlog vikenda imao sam priliku prisustvovati jednom od najvećih Z...

Gabrijela digitalni CV

Dragi naši, Ovo je digitalni CV naše Gabrijele. Nadam se da će Vam se svidjeti.   Dear readers, This is our Gabriela's digital CV. I hope you will like it.  

Zadruga "Slavuji"

Naša zadruga je članica HUUZ - Hrvatske udruge učeničke zadruge i „Slavuji“ okupljaju sve naše drage „slavuje“ svih naraštaja - koji želi izraziti svoju kreativnost u zabavnom okruženju. Zadruga uključuje 7 sekcija, a to su: zelenu, medijsku, keramičku, krojačku, drvnu, zero waste sekciju i sekciju tradicionalnih igračaka. U ponedjeljak 14. Ožujka 2022. Godine održan je sastanak Zadruge na kojem su dogovorene aktivnosti za Uskrsni prodajni sajam. Dogovoreno je da će zelena sekcija saditi prikladno bilje u rabljene staklenke, dok će krojačka sekcija raditi na izradi i oblikovanju kuhinjskih pregača. Keramičarska sekcija će izrađivati šalice od gline i zdjelice za slatkiše dok će kreativna sekcija izrađivati slike na platnu s prigodnim motivima. Uskrsni prodajni sajam će se održati 12. 04. 2022. godine s početkom u 12: 00h, koji će se održati u našem Centru. Učenike naše Zadruge „Slavuji“ očekuje i odlazak na 19. Smotru učeničkih zadruga koja će se održati 02. 06. 2022. Godine na Zrinj...

Prilog o projektu Zero Waste Power in HoReCa - emisija "Dobro jutro Hrvatska"

Dragi naši, U prilogu koji je snimila novinarska ekipa emisije Dobro jutro Hrvatska. Možete pogledati što je naša ekipa iz Centra pokazala i ispričala široj javnosti o Zero Waste Power in HoReCa projektu. Zahvaljujemo im što su posjetili naš Centar i napravili odličan prilog o projektu. Nadamo se da se vidimo povodom snimanja nekog od naših budućih projekata. Dear readers, In the article recorded by the journalist team of the show Dobro jutro Hrvatska. You can see what our team from the Center showed and told the general public about the Zero Waste Power in HoReCa project. We thank them for visiting our Center and making a great contribution about the project. We hope to see you on the occasion of filming one of our future projects.  

Lana - digitalni CV

Dragi naši, Ovo je prvi od 10 digitalnih životopisa. Našoj Lani je pripala čast da prva snimi svoj videoživotopis, te se nadamo da će Vam se dopasti. Pomoću ovakvog videoživotopisa naša Lana i svi učenici koji budu snimali digitalne životopise će brže i lakše pronaći svoj budući posao. Mislim da je ovo super stvar i da će ovi digitalni životopisi zainteresirati potencijalne poslodavce.   Dear readers, This is the first of 10 digital CV-s. Our Lana had the honor of being the first to record her video CV, and we hope you will like it. With this video CV, our Lana and all students who will record digital CV will find their future job faster and easier. I think this is a great thing and these digital resumes will interest potential employers.  

Khalilova prva radionica - iskustva

Our new volunteer Khalil did his first workshop. The workshop was held on March 11, 2022 at the Slava Raškaj Center. "These are his first impressions of working at our Center.   It was my first time presenting in front of people from a different country tham mine, differentculture, different perspectives. So, as I started I felt anxious and stressed as well, then slowly I was comfortable to continue, and I had a great feeling while I was presenting. When my friend Hatem joined me, I gained even more confidence to show our country to the audience. At the moment I expirience some sort of belonging and acceptance especially when I observed that the kids were so enthusiastic and highly interested in my presentation. The questions raised were complete evidence for me that everyone paid attention to my speech and not only that, but they were interested in knowing more aboutthe subject, they demonstrated a huge attention to details: culture, food, location, soceity, etc. I was also g...

Intervju s Khalilom - upoznavanje

      Ovo je intervju s Khalilom. 1.     Kako sisaznao za ovaj projekt?   Ovaj projekt sam vidio kao priliku da se povežem s ljudima.   Smatram da je ova prilika dobra za mene. Pronašao sam ovaj projekt jer volim pomagati ljudima i upoznati nove ljude. 2.     Što te je potaknulo da se preseliš ovdje i prihvatiš ovaj novi projekt? Jesi li se dvoumio oko donošenja odluke? Bila je to dobra prilika. Sviđao mi se Zagreb i gledao sam mnogo videa o Zagrebu. Ponudila mi se prilika da volontiram i pomažem ljudima pa ssam se odlučio da posjetim Zagreb i upoznam ljude i kultur. 3.     Je li ti ovo prvi put da volontiraš? Je li volontiranje pozitivan izazov koji treba prihvatiti?   Ovo je moje drugo volontiranje. Volontirao sam u svojoj zemlji. Bio sam u Crvenom križu. Važno je biti otvoren prema svijetu i biti dobar prema ljudima. 4.     Što ti je uzbudljivo u ovom poglavlju svog života? Što ...

Snimanje za emisiju Dobro jutro Hrvatska o Zero Waste Power in HoReCa

U petak 04. ožujka 2022. Godine posjetila nas je novinarska ekipa emisije Dobro jutro Hrvatska. Došli su naš Centar kako bi popratili aktivnosti koje su provedene u projektu Zero Waste Power in HoReCa. Veseli nas što će šira javnost imati priliku doznati koji su rezultati naših dvogodišnjih aktivnosti u području zero waste pristupa. Mislimo da je važno baviti se temom zaštite okoliša i popularizirati zeleno poslovanje kako bi ljudi postali svijesniji i da što više organizacija počne primjenjivati zero waste koncept.   On Friday, March 4, 2022, we were visited by the journalist team of the show Dobro jutro Hrvatska. They came to our Center to follow the activities carried out in the Zero Waste Power in HoReCa project. We are pleased that the general public will have the opportunity to find out the results of our two-year activities in the field of zero waste access. We think it is important to address the topic of environmental protection and popularize green business in order t...

Stigao nam je Khalil!

U petak 04. Ožujka 2022. Godine u Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“ stigao nam je Khalil Homrani iz Tunisa.   Khalil je volonter koji će provoditi aktivnosti u Centru kroz projekt Unstopable together i biti će s nama četiri i pol mjeseca. Unstopable together projekt je projekt u okviru Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Želimo mu dobrodošlicu i puno korisnih i pozitivnih iskustava koja će doživjeti za vrijeme boravka u Hrvatskoj. Dragi Khalili još jednom dobro došao u Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“.   On Friday, March 4, 2022, Khalil Homrani from Tunisia arrived at the Center for education „Slava Raškaj“. Khalil is a volunteer who will carry out activities at the Center through the Unstopable together project and will be with us for four and a half months. The Unstopable together is a project within the European Solidarity Force. We wish him a warm welcome and a lot of useful and positive experiences that he will have during his stay in Croatia. ...

Aktivnosti u veljači

Tijekom veljače provedene su aktivnosti kako bi motivirali učenike za sudjelovanje u novom projektu Zero Waste Catering Lab. Aktivnostima i radionicama su obuhvaćeni svi učenici naše škole. Gledali su videozapise te slušali i aktivno sudjelovali na prezentacijama, gdje su se upoznali sa zero waste konceptom. Za aktivno sudjelovanje javilo se 22 učenika. Novi članovi sudjelovali su u dodijeli bedževa restoranima koji su primjer dobre prakse u primjeni zero waste pristupa. Učenici su posjetili i do sada dodijelili tri zero waste bedža restoranu OAZA Joyful Kitchen, Pizzeria Karijola i Li'Moon Morethanbaru.   Activities were conducted during February to motivate students to participate in the new Zero Waste Catering Lab project. Activities and workshops include all students of our school. They watched videos and listened to and actively participated in presentations, where they were introduced to the zero waste concept. 22 students applied for active participation. New members...

Intervju s Gokhanom - upoznavanje

This is an interview with Gokhan. Our dear volunteer Petra asked him 10 questions to get to know him better. 1. How did you find out about this project? I found out about this project through my friend Ezge. She is working on another project in Croatia and she contacted me after finding out that Slava Raškaj was looking for another volunteer. She thought of me since I am a recent graduate and thought I might be interested. She was right!  2. What made you decide to move here and take on this new project? Did you have any hesitations when making the decision? I am a recent graduate with international relations and psychology. I thought it would be a great experience to move to another country and work in a project related to psychology. I didn't necessarily have any hesitations regarding moving to another country and adapting to another culture. I only had hesitations regarding leaving my family and loved ones. 3. Is this your first time volunteering? Why do you think volunt...