Otvorenje murala posvećenog Europskim Snagama Solidarnosti
zgradi u Voltinom naselju u Zagrebu osvanuo je mural posvećen programu
Europskih Snaga Solidarnosti koji je organiziran u suradnji sa Središnjim državnim
uredom za demografiju i mlade u okviru zajedničkog projekta „Europska godina
mladih“, a izradili su ga zagrebački ulični umjetnici uz odobrenje grada Zagreba.
Otvorenje murala održalo se 29. lipnja 2022. godine na kojem je sudjelovao i
naš volonter Khalil. Evo njegovih dojmova sa druženja u Voltino naselju.
Išao sam
na Dan otvorenja murala s novim volonterima, gdje sam imao priliku prvi put osobno
susresti se s njima. Razmijenili smo iskustva nekoliko puta prije online
susreta, ali ovaj put smo uspostavili dublje veze jedni s drugima. Imali smo priliku
razgovarati o našim iskustvima i razmjenjivati ideje i mišljenja. Bio je to
stvarno zanimljiv događaj jer smo detaljnije
razgovarali o našem volontiranju s Europskim snagama solidarnosti što smo
obilježili fotografiranjem. Nakon toga samo smo se zabavljali i uživali u
dobrom društvu volontera koji su bili iz različitih zemalja.
A mural
dedicated to the program of the European Solidarity Corps, which was organized
in cooperation with the Central State Office for Demography and Youth within
the framework of the joint project "European Year of Youth", was
created by Zagreb street artists with the approval of the city of Zagreb. The
opening of the mural took place on June 29, 2022, with the participation of our
volunteer Khalil. Here are his impressions from socializing in the Volta
I went to the Mural Opening Day with the new volunteers, where I had the opportunity to meet them in person for the first time. We had exchanged experiences several times before meeting online, but this time we made deeper connections with each other. We had the opportunity to talk about our experiences and exchange ideas and opinions. It was a really interesting event because we talked in more detail about our volunteering with the European Solidarity Corps, which we marked with a photo shoot. After that we just had fun and enjoyed the good company of volunteers who were from different countries.
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