Učeći o drugima, učim o sebi
Nakon mjesec dana provedenih u ulozi volontera u osnovnoj i
srednjoj školi „Slava Raškaj“, naučila sam puno toga o sebi i svijetu oko sebe.
Iskustvo koje imam u prenošenju znanja
kolegama na fakultetu mi je svakako poslužilo, ali morala sam se ponovno učiti
strpljivosti, kako prilagoditi gradivo
koje je katkad komplicirano, apstraktno i nezanimljivo i učiniti ga lakše
U osnovnoj školi to je nekako i lakše, jer su dostupna različita
pokazna sredstva, koja donekle približe pojmove i procese. Također, kroz igru
se puno toga može usvojiti.
Sa srednjoškolcima zna
biti izazovno, jer su u specifičnom životnom
razdoblju, kada su zaokupljeni različitim stvarima i ne baš zainteresirani za
dugotrajna učenja. Međutim, kroz šalu i razumijevanje njihovih stajališta, uspijevam
doprijeti i do njih. Upravo to je ono što me motivira da nastavim raditi.
Raduje me njihova neposrednost kada mi na hodniku priđu nasmiješeni i kažu: „Dobar
dan, profesorice, uspio/uspjela sam. Dobio/la sam tu i tu ocjenu. Hvala Vam na
Ispunjava me činjenica da nekome olakšavam proces učenja. Kako reče
Goethe: Ako se prema pojedincu odnosiš
kao da je ono što treba i što može biti, on će i postati što treba i što može
biti. Slavimo život zajedno!
After a month spent as a volunteer in the primary and secondary
school "Slava Raškaj", I learned a lot about myself and the world
around me. The experience I have in passing on knowledge to colleagues in
college has certainly served me well, but I had to re-learn patience, how to
adapt material that is sometimes complicated, abstract and uninteresting and
make it easier to understand.
In primary school, it is somehow easier, because different
demonstration means are available, which bring the concepts and processes
closer. Also, a lot can be adopted through the game.
It can be challenging with
high school students, because they are in a specific period of life, when they
are busy with different things and not very interested in long-term learning.
However, through joking and understanding their views, I manage to reach them
as well. This is exactly what motivates me to keep working. I am happy with
their immediacy when they come to me in the hallway smiling and say: “Good
afternoon, professor, I succeeded. I got this and that grade. Thank you for
your help. "
I am filled with the fact that I make the learning process easier for someone. As Goethe said: If you treat an individual as if he is what he needs to be and what he can be, he will become what he needs to be and what he can be. Let's celebrate life together!
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