Prezentacija učenika o LTT aktivnostima - Brugge, Belgija

U petak 03. lipnja 2002. godine u našem Centru održana je prezentacija o putovanju u Belgiji u sklopu Zero Waste Catering Lab projekta. Aktivnosti koje su provodili u Brugge-u prezentirali su nam naši učenici Lana i Dean u suradnji s Anitom Budimir i Mislavom Borovecom. Učenici su prenijeli svoja iskustva drugim učenicima i potaknuli da se trude, kako bi i oni mogli ići na slična putovanja. Rekli su da im je bilo jako zanimljivo, da su upoznali nove prijatelje, naučili i vidjeli stvari i vještine koje su im bile korisne i koje će ponijeti sa sobom kako bi bili još bolji i više napredovali. Naši učenici bogatiji su za još jedno novo iskustvo i nadamo se da će i drugi učenici iskoristiti sve mogućnosti i putovanja koja im se pružaju kroz Zero Waste projekt i ta iskustva implementirati u svoj rad.


On Friday, June 3rd. In 2002, a presentation on travel in Belgium was held at our Center as part of the Zero Waste Catering Lab project. The activities they carried out in Bruges were presented to us by our students Lana and Dean in collaboration with Anita Budimir and Mislava Borovac. The students shared their experiences with other students and encouraged them to work hard so that they could go on similar trips. They said it was very interesting for them, that they met new friends, learned and saw things and skills that were useful to them and that they will take with them to be even better and progress more. Our students are richer for another new experience and we hope that other students will take advantage of all the opportunities and journeys provided to them through the Zero Waste project and implement these experiences in their work.




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