Predstavljanje Unstoppable together projekta - Centar "Partenija Zagorafski" Sj Makedonija

U srijedu 08. lipnja 2022. godineu našem Centru održano je predstavljanje projekta “Unstoppable together“, koji se provodi u okviru Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Učenicima iz Centra za odgoj i rehabilitaciju „Partenija Zagorafski“ Brigita Jerić održala je prezentaciju o projektu „Unstoppable together“ i o Europskim Snagama Solidarnosti gdje su učenici gledali video o tome kako se oni mogu prijaviti. Nakon toga usljedile su radionice naših volontera koji su dio Europskih snaga Solidarnosti, a volontiraju kod nas u Centru. Khalil je održao prezentaciju o svojoj zemlji, a to je Tunis. Ana je održala motivacijsku radionicu pod nazivom“Motivacija i pozitivno razmišljanje“. Bilo nam je zadovoljstvo da Khalil i ja možemo prenijeti svoja iskustva o volontiranju u Centru „Slave Raškaj“. Bez obzira na jezične barijere uspjeli smo im prenijeti neka nova znanja i nadam se da će im to koristiti u njihovom daljnjem školovanju. Ponosni smo što smo im mogli predstaviti svoj rad i što smo dio tima Centra „Slave Raškaj“.


 On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, a presentation of the project  "Unstoppable together" was held in our Center, which is being implemented within the European Solidarity Corps. Brigita Jerić gave a presentation to the students from the Center for Education and Rehabilitation  Partenija Zagorafski on the Unstoppable Together project and the European Solidarity Corps, where students watched a video on how they can apply. This was followed by workshops of our volunteers who are part of the European Solidarity Corps, and volunteer with us at the Center. Khalil gave a presentation about his country, which is Tunisia. Ana held a motivational workshop called "Motivation and Positive Thinking". We were pleased that Khalil and I could share our experiences of volunteering at the Center Slave Raškaj. Regardless of language barriers, we managed to pass on some new knowledge to them and I hope that this will be useful to them in their further education. We are proud that we were able to present our work to them and that we are part of the team of the Center "Slave Raškaj".     



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