Motivacijske radionice
Na ša
volonterka Ana je u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje održala motivacijske
radionice za učenike. Radioni ce su uključivale sve druge razrede i 3.b razred.
Radionica se zvala „Motivacija i pozitivno razmišljanje“, a cilj joj je bio
motivirati i potaknuti učenike na pozitivno razmišljanje i dati im neke ideje
kako mogu riješiti probleme. U uvodu radionice sam se predstavila i rekla što
ćemo raditi, a nakon predstavljanja započela sam raspravu s učenicima. Rasprava
je uključivala pitanja vezana za motivaciju, kako se oni motiviraju, što misle
o pozitivnom razmišljanju, kako mogu pomoću njega riješiti probleme, je li im
važno pozitivno razmišljanje. Kada smo završili s raspravom učenicima sam dala
neke ideje i tehnike pomoću kojih mogu riješiti probleme te načine na koje mogu
pozitivno razmišljati. Prenijela sam da kod pozitivnog razmišljanja mi pomaže
vjera odnosno duhovni život. Također, sam im savjetovala da se što više smiju
jer je smijeh ponekad lijek. Nakon što smo razmijenili iskustva o tome koriste li
oni neke ideje ili načine pomoću kojih rješavaju probleme, iznijela sam svoje iskustvo kako mi je
volontirati u Centru i koliko mi je volontiranje važno te koliko mi je korisno.
Nakon iznesenog iskustva, pitala sam učenike žele li možda negdje volontirati
te što misle je li volontiranje pozitivno i korisno. Za kraj radionice uputila
sam im nekoliko motivacijskih poruka i s tim smo završili radionice. Vođenje
motivacijskih radionica je bilo jako zanimljivo iskustvo. Imala sam priliku
vidjeti koliko se učenici uključuju u aktivnosti radionice i kako oni
razmišljaju. Također, ove radionice su
dale neku novu dimenziju mom volontiranju u Centru.
Dear readers,
Our volunteer Ana held motivational workshops for students at the Center for Education. The workshops included all other grades and 3.b grade. The workshop was called "Motivation and Positive Thinking", and its goal was to motivate and encourage students to think positively and give them some ideas on how they can solve problems. In the introduction to the workshop, I introduced myself and said what we were going to do, and after the presentation, I started a discussion with the students. The discussion included questions related to motivation, how they are motivated, what they think about positive thinking, how they can solve problems with it, whether positive thinking is important to them. When we finished the discussion, I gave the students some ideas and techniques to solve problems and ways to think positively. I conveyed that faith and spiritual life help me with positive thinking. Also, I advised them to laugh as much as possible because laughter is sometimes a cure. After exchanging experiences on whether they use some ideas or ways to solve problems, I shared my experience of how it is for me to volunteer at the Center and how important volunteering is to me and how useful it is to me. After the experience, I asked the students if they might want to volunteer somewhere and what they think if volunteering is positive and useful. At the end of the workshop, I sent them a few motivational messages and we ended the workshops. Conducting motivational workshops was a very interesting experience. I had the opportunity to see how much students are involved in the workshop activities and how they think. Also, these workshops gave some new dimension to my volunteering at the Center.
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