Intervju s Božanom
1. Kako si saznala za ovaj projekt?
završenog studija i odrađenog staža htjela sam napraviti malu pauzu od rada u
struci i odlučila napraviti profil na
portalu Europskih Snaga Solidarnosti i počela sam aplicirati na projekte
koji me zanimaju. U toj pauzi htjela sam otići u inozemstvo zato sam aplicirala
za različite projekte, no jednog dana sam ugledala projekt Centra za odgoj i
obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“, Zagreb. Budući da mi se sviđao grad Zagreb, te sam
vidjela da bi mogla doprinijeti aktivnostima projekta i biti korisna, odlučila
sam se prijaviti za projekt. .
2. Što te potaknulo da se preseliš u Zagreb? Jesi li imala dvoumica
oko donošenja odluke?
Kada mi je gospođa Jerić javila da su odabrali mene imala sam
određeni period u kojem moram donijeti konačnu odluku. Razmislila sam i moram
priznati da sam
bila u dilemi kako ću se snaći u velikom edukacijskom centru, hoću li moći
doprinijeti razvoju projekta, itd. Shvatila sam da sam stekla veliko
samopouzdanje zbog činjenice da su između svih kandidata u meni prepoznali određenu
energiju ili otvorenost tijekom intervjua . Rekla sam si ako su oni u meni
prepoznali ono nešto, pristajem na ovaj projekt i idem u Zagreb na još četiri
mjeseca da vidim kakvo će to iskustvo biti u mom životu.
3. Jeli ti ovo prvi put da volontiraš? Što misliš o tome jeli
volontiranje pozitivan izazov za tebe?
Nije mi ovo prvi put da volontiram. U osnovnoj školi sam se
susretala s različitim akcijama i projektima koji su uključivali volontiranje
kao što su Crveni križ i različiti projekti tijekom studija. Njima sam
posvećivala dovoljno vremena koliko su mi obveze na fakultetu dopuštale. U
jednom takvom projektu u kojem sam čak bila i koordinatorica mladih pod nazivom
„Upoznajmo se“ sam se
susrela sa sličnim edukacijskim centrom kao što je Centar „Slava Raškaj“. Takav
sličan Centar u Tuzli se zove „Kosta Popov“ i kroz te radionice i rad Centra
sam vidjela da mi takav oblik volontiranja i doprinosa u lokalnoj zajednici
odgovara. Ovo je jako dragocjeno iskustvo koje doprinosi društvu, ali i da sam
stekne neprocjenjiva iskustva i sposobnosti koja će mu sigurno koristiti u
nekom dijelu života.
4. Što ti je uzbudljivo u ovom poglavlju tvog života. Što će ti
pridonijeti iskustvo na ovom projektu?
Ono što mi je u ovom trenutku izazovno je dobna skupina jer se dosada nisam se susrela u radu s tom
dobnom skupinom. Tijekom studija sam bila student demonstrator gdje sam držala
vježbe i konzultacije svojim kolegama. Međutim, sada imam drugačiju situaciju
gdje su učenici sedmih i osmih razreda i učenici srednje škole gdje ću se
morati malo prilagoditi tim dobnim skupinama. Postoje osobe koje zahtijevaju
individualni pristup pa ću se i na to morati malo osvrnuti kako bih mogla
pronaći način kako doprijeti do svakog učenika i prenijeti mu znanje na
najbolji mogući način. Olakotna okolnost
mi je to što sam dobila predmete koji su iz tehničke skupine pa smatram da ću
se lakše izboriti s izazovima. Najveća korist i radost je što sam u Zagrebu, te
ću ponovno imati priliku živjeti tu, družiti se sa svojim prijateljima i
kolegama, a za sve ostalo vidjet ćemo što nam budućnost donosi.
5. Imaš li strah od nečega prilikom preseljenja u drugu zemlju?
Ne, jer Hrvatsku smatram svojom zemljom, Prilikom mog drugog
dolaska u Zagreb više sam imala zbog situacije s Covid 19. Mislila sam da ću
zbog toga imati neki problem na graničnom prijelazu. Inače, nemam strah jer
poznajem Hrvatsku i po Zagrebu se odlično snalazim zbog prijašnjeg iskustva.
6. Je li ti ovo prvi put da odlaziš od kuće? Jesi li ikada imala
cimera/icu i kakvo je tvoje mišljenje o tome?
Dosada uvijek kada sam odlazila od kuće, to je bilo zbog različitih
projekata ili seminara koji su trajali kraće. Prvi put kada sam otišla na dulji
period od kuće je bilo kada sam odlazila na Erasmus u Zagreb. Na razmjenu
studenata koja je trajala jedan semestar i tada sam se prvi put susrela da svoj životni prostor s nekim. Imala sam krasnu cimericu Lorenu i
tada sam naučila kako je živjeti s nekim koga ne poznajete. To mi je bilo
lijepo iskustvo, a sada je malo drugačije jer stan koji ima dovoljno prostora dijelim
s kolegom koji je također volonter u ovom projektu. To mi je bilo malo izazovno
jer ne poznajem kolegu, te mi je bilo malo neobično što ću živjeti s njim u
istom stanu. Pristala sam na to jer sam htjela izaći iz svoje komfor zone jer
nikad ne znam što će mi život donijeti, kako ću se snaći. Iz tog razloga sam
pristala i nije mi žao jer je kolega jako ugodan. Za sada nemamo nikakvih
problema i lijepo smo se snašli u stanu.
7. Imaš li cilj koji želiš postići tijekom ovog volontiranja koji će
utjecat na tvoje obrazovanje ili budući profesionalni život?
S obzirom da moje primarno zanimanje nije povezana s onim što ću
raditi, zbog toga ne mogu reći da će imati direktan utjecaj, ali ono što želim
je da ovdje provedem jedan lijep period i da budem što korisnija kako bi me
Centar zapamtio kao nekoga tko je stvarno doprinio razvoju ovog projekta.
8. Je si li završila studij? Na kojem si fakultetu studirala?
Studij sam završila na Rudarsko-geološkom fakultetu u Tuzli na
studijskom programu Bušotno inženjerstvo. Jako mi se svidio fakultet i dobro
sam se snašla na njemu i ono čime se
mogu pohvaliti da sam proglašena za Zlatnog studenta svog Univerziteta kao
najboljeg studenta generacije. Nakon toga sam odradila i prvo stručno iskustvo
i namjeravam se i dalje usavršavati.
9. Jeli ti ovo prvi put da si u Hrvatskoj i kakva su tvoja iskustva?
Imaš li neke aspekte s kojima se želiš povezati ili želiš ponijeti iz Hrvatske?
Nije mi prvi put da sam u Hrvatskoj jer sam rođena u Rijeci i putovala sam u različite gradove u Hrvatskoj. Nije da prvi put putujem u Zagreb, ali uvijek iz Zagreba ponesem lijepe uspomene.
1. How did you find out about
this project?
After finishing my studies
and internship, I wanted to take a short break from working in the profession
and decided to create a profile on the portal of the European Solidarity Force
and I started applying for projects that interest me. During that break, I wanted
to go abroad, so I applied for various projects, but one day I saw the project
of the Center for Education "Slava Raškaj", Zagreb. Since I liked the
city of Zagreb, and I saw that it could contribute to the project activities
and be useful, I decided to apply for the project. .
2. What prompted you to move
to Zagreb? Did you have any doubts about making a decision?
When Ms. Jeric informed me
that they had chosen me, I had a certain period in which I had to make a final
decision. I thought about it and I have to admit that I was in a dilemma how I
would manage in a large education center, whether I would be able to contribute
to the development of the project, etc. I realized that I gained great
self-confidence due to the fact that interview. I said to myself that if they
recognized that something in me, I agreed to this project and went to Zagreb
for another four months to see what that experience would be like in my life.
3. Is this your first time
volunteering? What do you think about whether volunteering is a positive
challenge for you?
This is not my first time
volunteering. In elementary school, I encountered various actions and projects
that included volunteering such as the Red Cross and various projects during my
studies. I devoted as much time to them as my college obligations allowed. In
one such project in which I was even the youth coordinator called "Let's
meet", I met with a similar educational center as the Center "Slava
Raškaj". Such a similar Center in Tuzla is called "Kosta Popov"
and through these workshops and the work of the Center, I saw that this form of
volunteering and contribution to the local community suits me. This is a very
valuable experience that contributes to society, but also to gain invaluable
experiences and abilities that will surely benefit him in some part of life.
4. What is exciting for you
in this chapter of your life´What will the experience of this project
contribute to you?
What is challenging for me at
the moment is the age group because I have not met in working with that age
group so far. During my studies I was a student demonstrator where I held
exercises and consultations with my colleagues. However, I now have a different
situation where there are seventh and eighth graders and high school students
where I will have to adjust a little to these age groups. There are people who
require an individual approach, so I will have to look at this a bit so that I
can find a way to reach each student and pass on knowledge to him in the best
possible way. A mitigating circumstance for me is that I received items that
are from the technical group, so I think it will be easier for me to cope with
the challenges. The greatest benefit and joy is that I am in Zagreb, and I will
have the opportunity to live there again, hang out with my friends and
colleagues, and for everything else we will see what the future brings.
5. Are you afraid of
something when moving to another country?
No, because I consider
Croatia my country, During my second visit to Zagreb I had more because of the
situation with Covid 19. I thought that because of that I would have a problem
at the border crossing. By the way, I have no fear because I know Croatia and I
get along great in Zagreb because of my previous experience.
6. Is this your first time
leaving home? Have you ever had a roommate
So far, whenever I left home, it was because of different projects
or seminars that lasted shorter. The first time I left home for a long time was
when I went to Erasmus in Zagreb. On a student exchange that lasted one
semester and that was the first time I met to make my living space with
someone. I had a wonderful roommate Lorena and that’s when I learned what it’s
like to live with someone you don’t know. It was a nice experience for me, and
now it’s a little different because I share an apartment that has enough space
with a colleague who is also a volunteer in this project. It was a little
challenging for me because I don’t know a colleague, and it was a little
unusual for me to live with him in the same apartment. I agreed to it because I
wanted to get out of my comfort zone because I never know what life will bring
me, how I will manage. For that reason, I agreed and I'm not sorry because my
colleague is very pleasant. So far we have no problems and we did well in the
7. Do you have a goal that
you want to achieve during this volunteering that will affect your education or
future professional life?
Since my primary interest is not related to what I will do, I
cannot say that it will have a direct impact, but what I want is to spend a
nice period here and be as useful as possible to make the Center remember me as
someone who is really contributed to the development of this project.
8. Did you finish your
studies? What college did you study at?
I finished my studies at the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Tuzla
in the study program Drilling Engineering. I really liked the faculty and I did
well on it and what I can be proud of is that I was named the Golden Student of
my University as the best student of the generation. After that, I did my first
professional experience and I intend to continue to improve.
9. Is this your first time in
Croatia and what are your experiences? Do you have any aspects you want to
connect with or want to bring from Croatia?
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