Obilježavanje Dana Europe

Dan Europe obilježava se 9. svibnja, pa smo mi volonteri na poziv AMPEU prisustvovali proslavi u Wespa Spaces, Heinzlova 60. Proslava je bila uz prigodni program u okviru Europske godine mladih. Program je bio jako zanimljiv, tako je bila  održana radionica pripreme brzog i zdravog doručka. Osim volontera Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave Raškaj“, s nama su još bili i volonteri iz Udruge OAZA i Mreža Udruga Zagor gdje su kao volonteri Europskih Snaga Solidarnosti sudjelovali na način da su dijelili svoja iskustva. Bilo je zabavno, a imali smo priliku družiti se i upoznati druge volontere.



On the occasion of Europe Day, which is celebrated on May 9, it was held at Wespa Spaces, Heinzlova 60. There was also a celebration with a special program within the European Year of Youth, where a workshop on preparing a quick and healthy breakfast was held. In addition to the volunteers of the Center for Education "Slava Raškaj", we were also accompanied by volunteers from the Association OAZA and the Network of Associations Zagor, where they participated as volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps in a way that shared their experiences.



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