Moja avantur u Zagrebu
Pozdrav svima! Ja sam Božana Barušić,
vaša nova volonterka u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje Slava Raškaj. U naslovu
sam navela da je ovo moja nova avantura u Zagrebu iz razloga što sam već imala
priliku boraviti u ovom prekrasnom gradu. Krenimo otpočetka...
Imam 25 godina i dolazim iz Tuzle, BiH.
Inače sam magistra bušotinskog rudarstva, a tijekom diplomskog studija,
osvojila sam Erasmusovu stipendiju, zahvaljujući kojoj sam provela jedan
semestar u Zagrebu kao student na razmjeni. To se dogodilo 2020.-e godine, a u
međuvremenu sam diplomirala i radila godinu dana u svojoj struci.
Za ovu priliku i projekt Unstoppable
together sam saznala slučajno, odlučila aplicirati i na sreću, odabrana sam da
dođem. Imam iskustva u različitim projektima i volontiranju, a i edukacija
mladih mi je bliska, jer sam radila kao demonstratorica na nekim predmetima za
vrijeme faksa.
Nakon jednog radnog tjedna provedenog u
centru Slava Raškaj, moram istaći da sam ugodno iznenađena kako sam se brzo
privikla i uklopila te kako sam lijepo prihvaćena i od strane učenika i od
strane kolega profesora. Što se tiče boravka u Zagrebu, istinski uživam, možda
i više nego za vrijeme prošlog boravka, jer sada puno bolje poznajem grad, imam
mnoštvo prijatelja i kolega za druženje, svakog dana upoznajem nove ljude, tako
da su mi dani veoma zanimljivi i dinamični.
Iskreno se nadam da
ću u ovih nekoliko mjeseci koliko bi trebao trajati moj period volontiranja
uspjeti ispuniti ciljeve projekta Unstoppable together, da ću olakšati radne
obveze profesorima koji su mi mentori, ali i učenicima kojima sam određena za
pomoćnicu u učenju. Uistinu, zajedno jesmo i bit ćemo nezaustavljivi!
Hello everyone! I am
Božana Barušić, your new volunteer at the Slava Raškaj Center for Education. In
the title I stated that this is my new adventure in Zagreb because I have
already had the opportunity to stay in this beautiful city. Let's start from the
beginning ...
I am 25 years old
and I come from Tuzla, BiH. By the way, I have a master's degree in well
mining, and during my graduate studies, I won an Erasmus scholarship, thanks to
which I spent one semester in Zagreb as an exchange student. That happened in
2020, and in the meantime I graduated and worked for a year in my profession.
For this occasion
and the project Unstoppable together I found out by accident, decided to apply
and fortunately, I was chosen to come. I have experience in various projects
and volunteering, and the education of young people is close to me, because I
worked as a demonstrator on some subjects during college.
After one working
week spent at the Slava Raškaj Center, I must point out that I was pleasantly
surprised at how quickly I got used to and fit in and how nicely I was accepted
by both students and fellow professors. As for my stay in Zagreb, I really
enjoy it, maybe more than during my last stay, because now I know the city much
better, I have many friends and colleagues to hang out with, I meet new people
every day, so my days are very interesting and dynamic.
I sincerely hope that in these few months of my volunteering period I will be able to meet the goals of the Unstoppable together project, that I will ease the work responsibilities of professors who are my mentors, but also students who are assigned to help with learning. Truly, we are together and we will be unstoppable!
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