LTT aktivnosti u Belgiji

Dragi naši,

Naši učenici su u razdoblju od 15. – 20. svibnja 2022. godine posjetili su Brugge, grad koji se nalazi u Belgiji. Prvog dana projekta naše učenike i nastavnike dočekao je belgijski partner Syntra West, također u projektu su još i partneri iz Slovenije, Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje, gdje su se i upoznali. Drugog dana putovanja posjetili su lokalne farmere gdje su imali biciklističku turu s njima. Učenici su posjetili De Broodsmid – StefanVandele, Zulhoeve „De Potterie“, Para ti voedingswinkel i Compost Corner Sincfalpark. Tijekom tog posjeta naučili su kako smanjiti otpad i kako ga ponovno koristiti u pekarnici.  Također, naučili su kako izgraditi lokalnu mrežu poljuprivednika, o inovativnom konceptu kupovine, te kako napraviti kompost s proizvodima koji se ne mogu ponovno koristiti.  Trećeg dana putovanja posjetili su Poperinge. U Poperinge dočekao ih je Bart Mostaert.Nakon toga su otišli u restoran i trgovinu TAG gdje su studenti naučili kako on kao vlasnik lokalnog poduzeća radi s lokalnim proizvodima, nultom stopom otpada i redukcijom ambalaže. Četvrtog dana putovanja učenici su išli u obilazak prekrasnog srednjovjekovnog grada Brugges  gdje su čuli mnogo priča o gradu. Učenici su posjetili najpoznatiju belgijsku tvornicu čokolade u gradu gdje su probali najukusnije belgijske praline. Zatim su posjetili jedinu Zero Waste trgovinu u Brugges-u gdje            kupci donose svoju ambalažu za kupnju, a svi su proizvodi iz lokalnog uzgoja. Za kraj dana posjetili smo restoran s pivovarom gdje smo imali belgijsku večeru, a restoran se zoveDe Halve maan. Zadnjeg dana putovanja učenici su imali posljednju LTT radionicu u Brugges-u. Učenici Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave Raškaj“ i Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje posjetili su trgovinu Biovita-Sint-Andries u kojuj su pod vodstvom Sama Serveerta preuzeli namjernice kojima je istekao rok trajanja. Učenici su imali zadatak da namjernice pretvore u obrok umjesto da ih bace u otpad. Uspjeli su napraviti zdrav i ekonomičan ručak koji se sastojao od predjela, glavnog jela i deserta, gdje su pokazali entuzijazam i kuharsko umijeće. Nakon ručka izvršena je evaulacija gdje je završen LTT posjet Brugges-u.       To je kratki isječak što su naši učenici radili u Belgiji. Nadam se da su naučili nešto novo i da im je bilo zanimljivo.


Dear readers,

Our students visited Bruges, a city located in Belgium, from 15 to 20 May 2022. On the first day of the project, our students and teachers were welcomed by the Belgian partner Syntra West, and the project also includes partners from Slovenia, the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism in Celje, where they met. On the second day of the trip they visited local farmers where they had a bike tour with them. The students visited De Broodsmid - StefanVandele, Zulhoe's "De Potterie", Para ti voedingswinkel and Compost Corner Sincfalpark. During that visit, they learned how to reduce waste and how to reuse it in the bakery. They also learned how to build a local farming network, about an innovative shopping concept, and how to make compost with non-reusable products. On the third day of the trip they visited Poperinge. In Poperinge they were greeted by Bart Mostaert. After that they went to the TAG restaurant and shop where students learned how he as a local business owner works with local products, zero waste rate and packaging reduction. On the fourth day of the trip, the students went on a tour of the beautiful medieval city of Bruges where they heard many stories about the city. The students visited the most famous Belgian chocolate factory in the city where they tasted the most delicious Belgian pralines. They then visited the only Zero Waste store in Bruges where customers bring their packaging to buy, and all products are locally grown. At the end of the day we visited a restaurant with a brewery where we had a Belgian dinner and the restaurant is called De Halve maan. On the last day of the trip, the students had their last LTT workshop in Bruges. Students of the Center for Education "Slave Raškaj" and the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism Celje visited the store Biovita-Sint-Andries, where they, under the leadership of Sam Serveert, took supplies that have expired. The students had the task of turning groceries into a meal instead of throwing them in the trash. They managed to make a healthy and economical lunch consisting of appetizers, main course and dessert, where they showed enthusiasm and culinary skills. After lunch an evaluation was carried out where the LTT visit to Bruges was completed. This is a short clip of what our students were doing in Belgium. I hope they learned something new and found it interesting.   

Dragi naši,

Naši učenici su u razdoblju od 15. – 20. svibnja 2022. godine posjetili su Brugge, grad koji se nalazi u Belgiji. Prvog dana projekta naše učenike i nastavnike dočekao je belgijski partner Syntra West, također u projektu su još i partneri iz Slovenije, Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje, gdje su se i upoznali. Drugog dana putovanja posjetili su lokalne farmere gdje su imali biciklističku turu s njima. Učenici su posjetili De Broodsmid – StefanVandele, Zulhoeve „De Potterie“, Para ti voedingswinkel i Compost Corner Sincfalpark. Tijekom tog posjeta naučili su kako smanjiti otpad i kako ga ponovno koristiti u pekarnici.  Također, naučili su kako izgraditi lokalnu mrežu poljuprivednika, o inovativnom konceptu kupovine, te kako napraviti kompost s proizvodima koji se ne mogu ponovno koristiti.  Trećeg dana putovanja posjetili su Poperinge. U Poperinge dočekao ih je Bart Mostaert.Nakon toga su otišli u restoran i trgovinu TAG gdje su studenti naučili kako on kao vlasnik lokalnog poduzeća radi s lokalnim proizvodima, nultom stopom otpada i redukcijom ambalaže. Četvrtog dana putovanja učenici su išli u obilazak prekrasnog srednjovjekovnog grada Brugges  gdje su čuli mnogo priča o gradu. Učenici su posjetili najpoznatiju belgijsku tvornicu čokolade u gradu gdje su probali najukusnije belgijske praline. Zatim su posjetili jedinu Zero Waste trgovinu u Brugges-u gdje            kupci donose svoju ambalažu za kupnju, a svi su proizvodi iz lokalnog uzgoja. Za kraj dana posjetili smo restoran s pivovarom gdje smo imali belgijsku večeru, a restoran se zoveDe Halve maan. Zadnjeg dana putovanja učenici su imali posljednju LTT radionicu u Brugges-u. Učenici Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave Raškaj“ i Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje posjetili su trgovinu Biovita-Sint-Andries u kojuj su pod vodstvom Sama Serveerta preuzeli namjernice kojima je istekao rok trajanja. Učenici su imali zadatak da namjernice pretvore u obrok umjesto da ih bace u otpad. Uspjeli su napraviti zdrav i ekonomičan ručak koji se sastojao od predjela, glavnog jela i deserta, gdje su pokazali entuzijazam i kuharsko umijeće. Nakon ručka izvršena je evaulacija gdje je završen LTT posjet Brugges-u.       To je kratki isječak što su naši učenici radili u Belgiji. Nadam se da su naučili nešto novo i da im je bilo zanimljivo.


Dear readers,

Our students visited Bruges, a city located in Belgium, from 15 to 20 May 2022. On the first day of the project, our students and teachers were welcomed by the Belgian partner Syntra West, and the project also includes partners from Slovenia, the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism in Celje, where they met. On the second day of the trip they visited local farmers where they had a bike tour with them. The students visited De Broodsmid - StefanVandele, Zulhoe's "De Potterie", Para ti voedingswinkel and Compost Corner Sincfalpark. During that visit, they learned how to reduce waste and how to reuse it in the bakery. They also learned how to build a local farming network, about an innovative shopping concept, and how to make compost with non-reusable products. On the third day of the trip they visited Poperinge. In Poperinge they were greeted by Bart Mostaert. After that they went to the TAG restaurant and shop where students learned how he as a local business owner works with local products, zero waste rate and packaging reduction. On the fourth day of the trip, the students went on a tour of the beautiful medieval city of Bruges where they heard many stories about the city. The students visited the most famous Belgian chocolate factory in the city where they tasted the most delicious Belgian pralines. They then visited the only Zero Waste store in Bruges where customers bring their packaging to buy, and all products are locally grown. At the end of the day we visited a restaurant with a brewery where we had a Belgian dinner and the restaurant is called De Halve maan. On the last day of the trip, the students had their last LTT workshop in Bruges. Students of the Center for Education "Slave Raškaj" and the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism Celje visited the store Biovita-Sint-Andries, where they, under the leadership of Sam Serveert, took supplies that have expired. The students had the task of turning groceries into a meal instead of throwing them in the trash. They managed to make a healthy and economical lunch consisting of appetizers, main course and dessert, where they showed enthusiasm and culinary skills. After lunch an evaluation was carried out where the LTT visit to Bruges was completed. This is a short clip of what our students were doing in Belgium. I hope they learned something new and found it interesting.   

Dragi naši,

Naši učenici su u razdoblju od 15. – 20. svibnja 2022. godine posjetili su Brugge, grad koji se nalazi u Belgiji. Prvog dana projekta naše učenike i nastavnike dočekao je belgijski partner Syntra West, također u projektu su još i partneri iz Slovenije, Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje, gdje su se i upoznali. Drugog dana putovanja posjetili su lokalne farmere gdje su imali biciklističku turu s njima. Učenici su posjetili De Broodsmid – StefanVandele, Zulhoeve „De Potterie“, Para ti voedingswinkel i Compost Corner Sincfalpark. Tijekom tog posjeta naučili su kako smanjiti otpad i kako ga ponovno koristiti u pekarnici.  Također, naučili su kako izgraditi lokalnu mrežu poljuprivednika, o inovativnom konceptu kupovine, te kako napraviti kompost s proizvodima koji se ne mogu ponovno koristiti.  Trećeg dana putovanja posjetili su Poperinge. U Poperinge dočekao ih je Bart Mostaert.Nakon toga su otišli u restoran i trgovinu TAG gdje su studenti naučili kako on kao vlasnik lokalnog poduzeća radi s lokalnim proizvodima, nultom stopom otpada i redukcijom ambalaže. Četvrtog dana putovanja učenici su išli u obilazak prekrasnog srednjovjekovnog grada Brugges  gdje su čuli mnogo priča o gradu. Učenici su posjetili najpoznatiju belgijsku tvornicu čokolade u gradu gdje su probali najukusnije belgijske praline. Zatim su posjetili jedinu Zero Waste trgovinu u Brugges-u gdje            kupci donose svoju ambalažu za kupnju, a svi su proizvodi iz lokalnog uzgoja. Za kraj dana posjetili smo restoran s pivovarom gdje smo imali belgijsku večeru, a restoran se zoveDe Halve maan. Zadnjeg dana putovanja učenici su imali posljednju LTT radionicu u Brugges-u. Učenici Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave Raškaj“ i Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje posjetili su trgovinu Biovita-Sint-Andries u kojuj su pod vodstvom Sama Serveerta preuzeli namjernice kojima je istekao rok trajanja. Učenici su imali zadatak da namjernice pretvore u obrok umjesto da ih bace u otpad. Uspjeli su napraviti zdrav i ekonomičan ručak koji se sastojao od predjela, glavnog jela i deserta, gdje su pokazali entuzijazam i kuharsko umijeće. Nakon ručka izvršena je evaulacija gdje je završen LTT posjet Brugges-u.       To je kratki isječak što su naši učenici radili u Belgiji. Nadam se da su naučili nešto novo i da im je bilo zanimljivo.


Dear readers,

Our students visited Bruges, a city located in Belgium, from 15 to 20 May 2022. On the first day of the project, our students and teachers were welcomed by the Belgian partner Syntra West, and the project also includes partners from Slovenia, the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism in Celje, where they met. On the second day of the trip they visited local farmers where they had a bike tour with them. The students visited De Broodsmid - StefanVandele, Zulhoe's "De Potterie", Para ti voedingswinkel and Compost Corner Sincfalpark. During that visit, they learned how to reduce waste and how to reuse it in the bakery. They also learned how to build a local farming network, about an innovative shopping concept, and how to make compost with non-reusable products. On the third day of the trip they visited Poperinge. In Poperinge they were greeted by Bart Mostaert. After that they went to the TAG restaurant and shop where students learned how he as a local business owner works with local products, zero waste rate and packaging reduction. On the fourth day of the trip, the students went on a tour of the beautiful medieval city of Bruges where they heard many stories about the city. The students visited the most famous Belgian chocolate factory in the city where they tasted the most delicious Belgian pralines. They then visited the only Zero Waste store in Bruges where customers bring their packaging to buy, and all products are locally grown. At the end of the day we visited a restaurant with a brewery where we had a Belgian dinner and the restaurant is called De Halve maan. On the last day of the trip, the students had their last LTT workshop in Bruges. Students of the Center for Education "Slave Raškaj" and the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism Celje visited the store Biovita-Sint-Andries, where they, under the leadership of Sam Serveert, took supplies that have expired. The students had the task of turning groceries into a meal instead of throwing them in the trash. They managed to make a healthy and economical lunch consisting of appetizers, main course and dessert, where they showed enthusiasm and culinary skills. After lunch an evaluation was carried out where the LTT visit to Bruges was completed. This is a short clip of what our students were doing in Belgium. I hope they learned something new and found it interesting.   



Dragi naši,

Naši učenici su u razdoblju od 15. – 20. svibnja 2022. godine posjetili su Brugge, grad koji se nalazi u Belgiji. Prvog dana projekta naše učenike i nastavnike dočekao je belgijski partner Syntra West, također u projektu su još i partneri iz Slovenije, Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje, gdje su se i upoznali. Drugog dana putovanja posjetili su lokalne farmere gdje su imali biciklističku turu s njima. Učenici su posjetili De Broodsmid – StefanVandele, Zulhoeve „De Potterie“, Para ti voedingswinkel i Compost Corner Sincfalpark. Tijekom tog posjeta naučili su kako smanjiti otpad i kako ga ponovno koristiti u pekarnici.  Također, naučili su kako izgraditi lokalnu mrežu poljuprivednika, o inovativnom konceptu kupovine, te kako napraviti kompost s proizvodima koji se ne mogu ponovno koristiti.  Trećeg dana putovanja posjetili su Poperinge. U Poperinge dočekao ih je Bart Mostaert.Nakon toga su otišli u restoran i trgovinu TAG gdje su studenti naučili kako on kao vlasnik lokalnog poduzeća radi s lokalnim proizvodima, nultom stopom otpada i redukcijom ambalaže. Četvrtog dana putovanja učenici su išli u obilazak prekrasnog srednjovjekovnog grada Brugges  gdje su čuli mnogo priča o gradu. Učenici su posjetili najpoznatiju belgijsku tvornicu čokolade u gradu gdje su probali najukusnije belgijske praline. Zatim su posjetili jedinu Zero Waste trgovinu u Brugges-u gdje            kupci donose svoju ambalažu za kupnju, a svi su proizvodi iz lokalnog uzgoja. Za kraj dana posjetili smo restoran s pivovarom gdje smo imali belgijsku večeru, a restoran se zoveDe Halve maan. Zadnjeg dana putovanja učenici su imali posljednju LTT radionicu u Brugges-u. Učenici Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave Raškaj“ i Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje posjetili su trgovinu Biovita-Sint-Andries u kojuj su pod vodstvom Sama Serveerta preuzeli namjernice kojima je istekao rok trajanja. Učenici su imali zadatak da namjernice pretvore u obrok umjesto da ih bace u otpad. Uspjeli su napraviti zdrav i ekonomičan ručak koji se sastojao od predjela, glavnog jela i deserta, gdje su pokazali entuzijazam i kuharsko umijeće. Nakon ručka izvršena je evaulacija gdje je završen LTT posjet Brugges-u.       To je kratki isječak što su naši učenici radili u Belgiji. Nadam se da su naučili nešto novo i da im je bilo zanimljivo.


Dear readers,

Our students visited Bruges, a city located in Belgium, from 15 to 20 May 2022. On the first day of the project, our students and teachers were welcomed by the Belgian partner Syntra West, and the project also includes partners from Slovenia, the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism in Celje, where they met. On the second day of the trip they visited local farmers where they had a bike tour with them. The students visited De Broodsmid - StefanVandele, Zulhoe's "De Potterie", Para ti voedingswinkel and Compost Corner Sincfalpark. During that visit, they learned how to reduce waste and how to reuse it in the bakery. They also learned how to build a local farming network, about an innovative shopping concept, and how to make compost with non-reusable products. On the third day of the trip they visited Poperinge. In Poperinge they were greeted by Bart Mostaert. After that they went to the TAG restaurant and shop where students learned how he as a local business owner works with local products, zero waste rate and packaging reduction. On the fourth day of the trip, the students went on a tour of the beautiful medieval city of Bruges where they heard many stories about the city. The students visited the most famous Belgian chocolate factory in the city where they tasted the most delicious Belgian pralines. They then visited the only Zero Waste store in Bruges where customers bring their packaging to buy, and all products are locally grown. At the end of the day we visited a restaurant with a brewery where we had a Belgian dinner and the restaurant is called De Halve maan. On the last day of the trip, the students had their last LTT workshop in Bruges. Students of the Center for Education "Slave Raškaj" and the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism Celje visited the store Biovita-Sint-Andries, where they, under the leadership of Sam Serveert, took supplies that have expired. The students had the task of turning groceries into a meal instead of throwing them in the trash. They managed to make a healthy and economical lunch consisting of appetizers, main course and dessert, where they showed enthusiasm and culinary skills. After lunch an evaluation was carried out where the LTT visit to Bruges was completed. This is a short clip of what our students were doing in Belgium. I hope they learned something new and found it interesting.   

Dragi naši,

Naši učenici su u razdoblju od 15. – 20. svibnja 2022. godine posjetili su Brugge, grad koji se nalazi u Belgiji. Prvog dana projekta naše učenike i nastavnike dočekao je belgijski partner Syntra West, također u projektu su još i partneri iz Slovenije, Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje, gdje su se i upoznali. Drugog dana putovanja posjetili su lokalne farmere gdje su imali biciklističku turu s njima. Učenici su posjetili De Broodsmid – StefanVandele, Zulhoeve „De Potterie“, Para ti voedingswinkel i Compost Corner Sincfalpark. Tijekom tog posjeta naučili su kako smanjiti otpad i kako ga ponovno koristiti u pekarnici.  Također, naučili su kako izgraditi lokalnu mrežu poljuprivednika, o inovativnom konceptu kupovine, te kako napraviti kompost s proizvodima koji se ne mogu ponovno koristiti.  Trećeg dana putovanja posjetili su Poperinge. U Poperinge dočekao ih je Bart Mostaert.Nakon toga su otišli u restoran i trgovinu TAG gdje su studenti naučili kako on kao vlasnik lokalnog poduzeća radi s lokalnim proizvodima, nultom stopom otpada i redukcijom ambalaže. Četvrtog dana putovanja učenici su išli u obilazak prekrasnog srednjovjekovnog grada Brugges  gdje su čuli mnogo priča o gradu. Učenici su posjetili najpoznatiju belgijsku tvornicu čokolade u gradu gdje su probali najukusnije belgijske praline. Zatim su posjetili jedinu Zero Waste trgovinu u Brugges-u gdje            kupci donose svoju ambalažu za kupnju, a svi su proizvodi iz lokalnog uzgoja. Za kraj dana posjetili smo restoran s pivovarom gdje smo imali belgijsku večeru, a restoran se zoveDe Halve maan. Zadnjeg dana putovanja učenici su imali posljednju LTT radionicu u Brugges-u. Učenici Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave Raškaj“ i Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje posjetili su trgovinu Biovita-Sint-Andries u kojuj su pod vodstvom Sama Serveerta preuzeli namjernice kojima je istekao rok trajanja. Učenici su imali zadatak da namjernice pretvore u obrok umjesto da ih bace u otpad. Uspjeli su napraviti zdrav i ekonomičan ručak koji se sastojao od predjela, glavnog jela i deserta, gdje su pokazali entuzijazam i kuharsko umijeće. Nakon ručka izvršena je evaulacija gdje je završen LTT posjet Brugges-u.       To je kratki isječak što su naši učenici radili u Belgiji. Nadam se da su naučili nešto novo i da im je bilo zanimljivo.


Dear readers,

Our students visited Bruges, a city located in Belgium, from 15 to 20 May 2022. On the first day of the project, our students and teachers were welcomed by the Belgian partner Syntra West, and the project also includes partners from Slovenia, the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism in Celje, where they met. On the second day of the trip they visited local farmers where they had a bike tour with them. The students visited De Broodsmid - StefanVandele, Zulhoe's "De Potterie", Para ti voedingswinkel and Compost Corner Sincfalpark. During that visit, they learned how to reduce waste and how to reuse it in the bakery. They also learned how to build a local farming network, about an innovative shopping concept, and how to make compost with non-reusable products. On the third day of the trip they visited Poperinge. In Poperinge they were greeted by Bart Mostaert. After that they went to the TAG restaurant and shop where students learned how he as a local business owner works with local products, zero waste rate and packaging reduction. On the fourth day of the trip, the students went on a tour of the beautiful medieval city of Bruges where they heard many stories about the city. The students visited the most famous Belgian chocolate factory in the city where they tasted the most delicious Belgian pralines. They then visited the only Zero Waste store in Bruges where customers bring their packaging to buy, and all products are locally grown. At the end of the day we visited a restaurant with a brewery where we had a Belgian dinner and the restaurant is called De Halve maan. On the last day of the trip, the students had their last LTT workshop in Bruges. Students of the Center for Education "Slave Raškaj" and the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism Celje visited the store Biovita-Sint-Andries, where they, under the leadership of Sam Serveert, took supplies that have expired. The students had the task of turning groceries into a meal instead of throwing them in the trash. They managed to make a healthy and economical lunch consisting of appetizers, main course and dessert, where they showed enthusiasm and culinary skills. After lunch an evaluation was carried out where the LTT visit to Bruges was completed. This is a short clip of what our students were doing in Belgium. I hope they learned something new and found it interesting. 

Dragi naši,

Naši učenici su u razdoblju od 15. – 20. svibnja 2022. godine posjetili su Brugge, grad koji se nalazi u Belgiji. Prvog dana projekta naše učenike i nastavnike dočekao je belgijski partner Syntra West, također u projektu su još i partneri iz Slovenije, Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje, gdje su se i upoznali. Drugog dana putovanja posjetili su lokalne farmere gdje su imali biciklističku turu s njima. Učenici su posjetili De Broodsmid – StefanVandele, Zulhoeve „De Potterie“, Para ti voedingswinkel i Compost Corner Sincfalpark. Tijekom tog posjeta naučili su kako smanjiti otpad i kako ga ponovno koristiti u pekarnici.  Također, naučili su kako izgraditi lokalnu mrežu poljuprivednika, o inovativnom konceptu kupovine, te kako napraviti kompost s proizvodima koji se ne mogu ponovno koristiti.  Trećeg dana putovanja posjetili su Poperinge. U Poperinge dočekao ih je Bart Mostaert.Nakon toga su otišli u restoran i trgovinu TAG gdje su studenti naučili kako on kao vlasnik lokalnog poduzeća radi s lokalnim proizvodima, nultom stopom otpada i redukcijom ambalaže. Četvrtog dana putovanja učenici su išli u obilazak prekrasnog srednjovjekovnog grada Brugges  gdje su čuli mnogo priča o gradu. Učenici su posjetili najpoznatiju belgijsku tvornicu čokolade u gradu gdje su probali najukusnije belgijske praline. Zatim su posjetili jedinu Zero Waste trgovinu u Brugges-u gdje            kupci donose svoju ambalažu za kupnju, a svi su proizvodi iz lokalnog uzgoja. Za kraj dana posjetili smo restoran s pivovarom gdje smo imali belgijsku večeru, a restoran se zoveDe Halve maan. Zadnjeg dana putovanja učenici su imali posljednju LTT radionicu u Brugges-u. Učenici Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave Raškaj“ i Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Celje posjetili su trgovinu Biovita-Sint-Andries u kojuj su pod vodstvom Sama Serveerta preuzeli namjernice kojima je istekao rok trajanja. Učenici su imali zadatak da namjernice pretvore u obrok umjesto da ih bace u otpad. Uspjeli su napraviti zdrav i ekonomičan ručak koji se sastojao od predjela, glavnog jela i deserta, gdje su pokazali entuzijazam i kuharsko umijeće. Nakon ručka izvršena je evaulacija gdje je završen LTT posjet Brugges-u.       To je kratki isječak što su naši učenici radili u Belgiji. Nadam se da su naučili nešto novo i da im je bilo zanimljivo.


Dear readers,

Our students visited Bruges, a city located in Belgium, from 15 to 20 May 2022. On the first day of the project, our students and teachers were welcomed by the Belgian partner Syntra West, and the project also includes partners from Slovenia, the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism in Celje, where they met. On the second day of the trip they visited local farmers where they had a bike tour with them. The students visited De Broodsmid - StefanVandele, Zulhoe's "De Potterie", Para ti voedingswinkel and Compost Corner Sincfalpark. During that visit, they learned how to reduce waste and how to reuse it in the bakery. They also learned how to build a local farming network, about an innovative shopping concept, and how to make compost with non-reusable products. On the third day of the trip they visited Poperinge. In Poperinge they were greeted by Bart Mostaert. After that they went to the TAG restaurant and shop where students learned how he as a local business owner works with local products, zero waste rate and packaging reduction. On the fourth day of the trip, the students went on a tour of the beautiful medieval city of Bruges where they heard many stories about the city. The students visited the most famous Belgian chocolate factory in the city where they tasted the most delicious Belgian pralines. They then visited the only Zero Waste store in Bruges where customers bring their packaging to buy, and all products are locally grown. At the end of the day we visited a restaurant with a brewery where we had a Belgian dinner and the restaurant is called De Halve maan. On the last day of the trip, the students had their last LTT workshop in Bruges. Students of the Center for Education "Slave Raškaj" and the Secondary School of Hospitality and Tourism Celje visited the store Biovita-Sint-Andries, where they, under the leadership of Sam Serveert, took supplies that have expired. The students had the task of turning groceries into a meal instead of throwing them in the trash. They managed to make a healthy and economical lunch consisting of appetizers, main course and dessert, where they showed enthusiasm and culinary skills. After lunch an evaluation was carried out where the LTT visit to Bruges was completed. This is a short clip of what our students were doing in Belgium. I hope they learned something new and found it interesting.                     



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