Upoznajte Božanu!
Upoznajte Božanu Barušić, našu novu volonterku koja uskoro stiže u naš Centar. Drago nam je što je se odlučila kod nas volontirati.
Veselimo se njenom dolasku u Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave Raškaj“.
Meet Božana Barušić, our new volunteer who will
soon arrive at our Center. We are glad that she decided to volunteer with us.
We are looking forward to her arrival at the Slave Raškaj Center for Education.
Meet Božana Barušić, our new volunteer who will
soon arrive at our Center. We are glad that she decided to volunteer with us.
We are looking forward to her arrival at the Slave Raškaj Center for Education.
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