Radionica pripreme recepta - Zero Waste Catering Lab

U srijedu 30. Ožujka 2022. godine. u našem    se Centru održala radionica pripreme recepta u sklopu Zero Waste Catering Lab projekta. Učenici su pripremali „Proljetno varivo od crvene leće“. Svaki od učenika imao je svoj zadatak u pripremi ovog jela i moram priznati da su dobro surađivali tijekom pripreme. Atmosfera među učenicima je bila opuštena i svi učenici su sa zadovoljstvom pripremali varivo. Nakon što su naši kuhari i kuharice odlično skuhali i pripremili, a zatim i dekorirali jelo, mogli su ga kušati. Učenici su bili sretni i zadovoljni što su skuhali dobro jelo. Također, su me ponudili da probam i moram reći da je zdravo i ukusno. Drago mi je što sam imala priliku vidjeti kako izgledaju radionice kada naši učenici kuhaju u svojim prostorijama u kojima se obučavaju za buduće kuhare.


On Wednesday, March 30, 2022. A recipe preparation workshop was held in our Center as part of the Zero Waste Catering Lab project. The students prepared "Spring red lentil stew". Each of the students had their own task in the preparation of this dish and I must admit that they cooperated well during the preparation. The atmosphere among the students was relaxed and all the students were happy to prepare the stew. After our cooker cooked and prepared and then decorated the dish, they were able to taste it. The students were happy and satisfied that they cooked a good meal. Also, they offered me a try and I have to say it was healthy and delicious. I am glad to have had the opportunity to see what the workshops look like when our students cook in their rooms where they train for future chefs. 



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