Predstavljanje Unstopable together projekta studenticama Socijalnog rada
Dear readers,
On Friday, April 8, 2022,
students of the Faculty of Social Work arrived at our Center to do their
student internship with us. For a start, we met with them, and the program of
work of the Center was presented by their mentors, social workers Brigita Jerić
and Ivana Pupić. After a short introduction, we watched a short film about the
Center for Education "Slave Raškaj", after which the students shared
their impressions. Then Ivana Pupić gave a presentation on primary school which
includes the difficulties that the Center deals with, how students come to the
Center, what social services are offered in the Center, etc. Also, Brigita
Jerić gave a presentation that included information on occupations in the
school , how students enroll in school, about projects that have taken place
and projects that are ongoing.
We presented the program of the
European Solidarity Corps, ie the Unstoppable together project, where I shared
my experience of volunteering. I explained to the students how to apply for the
European Solidarity Corps portal, and what happens when they apply to
volunteer. I introduced them to the benefits and responsibilities that the
project carries and what is my activity in the Unstopable together project. I
also gave a positive opinion on why participating in this project is important
to me, and I recommended them to join the project.
Apart from me, our Khalil also presented his
country - Tunisia - to the students. He shared his experiences of participating
in the project. The presentation was very interesting, and the students showed
their interest by asking questions and sharing their impressions and thoughts.
We introduced the students to how they can join volunteer programs within the
European Solidarity Force, which are the activities that can be performed. As
social work students, through their practical education, they meet young people
who belong to the so-called. vulnerable groups. We hope that this new knowledge
about the possibilities of inclusion will motivate them to get involved in new
challenges and thus gain new experiences, life horizons and new skills. All
this contributes to better integration and social inclusion, because together
we are stronger and unstoppable! Unstppable together!
All of you who are interested in
volunteering within the European Solidarity Corps, find out how you can get
involved in the info leaflet attached!
Dragi naši,
U petak 8 Travnja, 2022. godine u
naš Centar su stigle studentice Fakulteta za socijalni rad koje će kod nas
obavljati svoju studentsku praksu. Za početak smo se s njima upoznali, a
program rada Centra, predstavile su njihove mentorice socijalne radnice Brigita
Jerić i Ivana Pupić. Nakon kratkog uvoda
zajedno smo pogledali kratki filmić o Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slave
Raškaj“, nakon kojeg su studentice podijelile svoje dojmove. Zatim je Ivana Pupić
održala prezentaciju o osnovnoj školi što uključuje teškoće kojima se Centar bavi,
kako učenici dolaze u Centar, koje se socijalne usluge nude u Centru i sl.
Također, Brigita Jerić je održala prezentaciju koja je uključivala informacije o zanimanjima koja postoje u školi, kako
učenici se upisuju školu, o projektima koji su se održavali i projektima koji
su u tijeku.
Predstavili smo im program Europskih
snaga solidarnosti, odnosno projekt Unstoppable together, gdje sam
podijelila svoje iskustvo volontiranja. Studenticama sam objasnila kako se
prijaviti na portal Europskih snaga solidarnosti, te što se događa kada se
prijave za volontiranje. Upoznala sam ih s dobrobitima i odgovornostima koje
projekt nosi i koja je moja aktivnost u projektu Unstopable together. Također,
sam iznjela pozitivno mišljenje zašto je za mene sudjelovanje u ovom projektu
važno, te sam im preporučila da se priključe projektu.
Osim mene, i naš Khalil je studenticama
prezentirao svoju zemlju- Tunis. On je podjelio svoja iskustva sudjelovanja u
projektu. Izlaganje je bilo jako zanimljivo, te su studentice pokazale svoj
interes postavljajući pitanja i djeleći svoje dojmove i razmišljanja. Studentice
smo upoznali na koji način se mogu priključiti volonterskim programima u okviru
Europskih snaga solidarnosti, koje su to aktivnosti koje se mogu obavljati..
Kao studentice socijalnog rada, kroz svoje praktično obrazovanje, one se
susreću sa mladima koji pripadaju tzv. ranjivim skupinama. Nadamo se da će ih
ove nove spoznaje o mogućnostima uključivanja motivirati da se uključe u nove
izazove i tako i sami steknu nova iskustva, životne horizonte i nove vještine.
Sve to doprinosi boljoj integraciji i socijalnom uključivanju, jer zajedno smo
jači i nezaustavljivi! Unstppable together!
Svi koji ste zainteresirani za
volontiranje u okviru Europskih snaga solidarnosti, saznajete kako se možete
uključiti u info letku u prilogu!
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