Kulinarska radionica
ponedjeljak 11. Travnja, 2022. Godine naš Khalil održao je drugu kulinarsku
radionicu na adresi Nova cesta, Zagreb. Na radionici su sudjelovali učenici
četvrtog razreda, gdje su pripremali tradicionalno jelo Tunisian Tajine.
Učenici su pripremali uz pomoć našeg Khalila, a kasnije kuhali, dekorirali i
namještali stol za jelo. Naši veseli učenici su po prvi put radili Tunisian
Tajine i bili su jako zainteresirani za kuhanje ovog jela. Nakon što su učenici
jelo napravili, bilo je vrijeme da ga i kušamo. Učenici su bili zadovoljni sa
Tunisian Tajine i atmosfera je bila jako ugodna, te su svi učenici sudjelovali
u cjelokupnoj izradi jela. Drago nam je što je naš Khalil otvoren da nam pokaže
svoja tradicionalna jela kako bi nam što više približio svoju zemlju. Našem
Khalilu sve pohvale za inicijativu, te je kao domaćin bio odličan, gdje nas je
ugostio u svom apartmanu u kojem je smješten. Također, nastavit ćemomo s
ovakvim edukativno-kulinarskim aktivnostima radi razmjene međusobnog učenja
jedni o drugima.
se sljedećim radionicama i novim jelima.
Monday, April 11, 2022, our Khalil held his second culinary workshop at Nova
cesta, Zagreb. The workshop was attended by fourth graders, where they prepared
a traditional Tunisian Tajine dish. The students prepared with the help of our
Khalil, and later cooked, decorated and set the dining table. Our cheerful
students were working on Tunisian Tajine for the first time and were very
interested in cooking this dish. After the students made the dish, it was time
to taste it. The students were satisfied with the Tunisian Tajine and the
atmosphere was very pleasant, and all the students participated in the overall
making of the dish. We are glad that our Khalil is open to show us his
traditional dishes in order to bring his country as close to us as possible. All
praise to our Khalil for the initiative, and as a host he was great, where he
hosted us in his apartment where he is located. Also, we will continue with
such educational and culinary activities to exchange mutual learning about each
We look forward to the next workshops and new dishes.
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