Pronalaženje novih volontera
Dragi naši,
Ovih dana sam u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“ bila zadužena da p ronalazim volontere iz drugih zemalja. Volonteri bi bili uključeni u projekt Unstopable together u kojem volontiram ija. Od mentorice sam dobila dokument u kojem je bio oglas u kojem je vidljivo da Centar „Slava Raškaj“ traži volontere. Navedeni oglas sam proslijedila u grupu volontera koji su sudjelovali na On-arrival treningu, te ih zamolila ako imaju prijatelje koji bi htjeli volontirati u Hrvatskoj da im proslijede navedeni oglas. Nadam se da ćemo uspijeti pronaći volontere koje tražimo za naš projekt Unstopable together.
Dear readers,
days, I was in charge of finding volunteers from other countries at the Slava
Raškaj Center for Education. Volunteers would be involved in the Unstopable
together project in which I volunteer. I received a document from the mentor in
which there was an advertisement in which it is visible that the Center
"Slava Raškaj" is looking for volunteers. I forwarded the
advertisement to a group of volunteers who participated in the On-arrival
training, and asked them if they have friends who would like to volunteer in
Croatia to forward the advertisement to them. I hope we will be able to find
the volunteers we are looking for for our Unstopable together project.
Dragi naši,
dana sam u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“ bila zadužena da
pronalazim volontere iz drugih zemalja. Volonteri bi bili uključeni u projekt
Unstopable together u kojem volontiram ija. Od mentorice sam dobila dokument u
kojem je bio oglas u kojem je vidljivo da Centar „Slava Raškaj“ traži
volontere. Navedeni oglas sam proslijedila u grupu volontera koji su
sudjelovali na On-arrival treningu, te ih zamolila ako imaju prijatelje koji bi
htjeli volontirati u Hrvatskoj da im proslijede navedeni oglas. Nadam se da
ćemo uspijeti pronaći volontere koje tražimo za naš projekt Unstopable
days, I was in charge of finding volunteers from other countries at the Slava
Raškaj Center for Education. Volunteers would be involved in the Unstopable
together project in which I volunteer. I received a document from the mentor in
which there was an advertisement in which it is visible that the Center
"Slava Raškaj" is looking for volunteers. I forwarded the
advertisement to a group of volunteers who participated in the On-arrival
training, and asked them if they have friends who would like to volunteer in
Croatia to forward the advertisement to them. I hope we will be able to find
the volunteers we are looking for for our Unstopable together project.
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