Posjet OAZA Joyful Kitchen

U petak 21. siječnja 2022. Godine učenici Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“ posjetili su restoran Oaza Joyful Kitchen u sklopu Zero Waste Power in HoReCa projekta. Učenici su u restoranu proveli istraživanje pomoću Zero Waste upitnika kako bi provjerili na kojoj su razini zero waste koncepta. Učenici su saznali da na tri područja su zadovoljili broj bodova te su osvojili tri bedža, dok na jednom području nisu zadovoljili razinu pa su nam savjetovali neke promjene u tom području. To nam je jako važno jer je Oaza Joyful Kitchen naš partner u novom projektu Zero Waste Catering Lab. Imali smo priliku probati snekove i osvježavajuća pića iz njihove ponude. Budući da je to specifičan restoran koji je orjentiran prema veganskoj prehrani, moramo priznati da je sve bilo ukusno inovativno. Ambient samog restorana je jako ugodani trude se što više uvesti zero waste pristup u svoj restoran koliko je god to moguće, jer je Republika Hrvatska tek na početcima uvođenja zelene politike i zero waste pristupa u ugostiteljstvo.

Veselimo se sljedećim susretima i svim događanjima koja će se provoditi u restoranu Oaza Joyful Kitchen!    


On Friday, January 21, 2022, the students of the Center for Education "Slava Raškaj" visited the restaurant Oaza Joyful Kitchen as part of the Zero Waste Power in HoReCa project. Students in the restaurant conducted a survey using the Zero Waste questionnaire to check at what level they are of the zero waste concept. The students learned that they met the number of points in three areas and won three badges, while in one area they did not meet the level, so they advised us some changes in that area. This is very important to us because Oaza Joyful Kitchen is our partner in the new Zero Waste Catering Lab project. We had the opportunity to try snacks and refreshing drinks from their offer. Since this is a specific restaurant that is geared towards a vegan diet, we have to admit that everything was deliciously innovative. The ambience of the restaurant itself is very pleasant, we try to introduce zero waste access to our restaurant as much as possible, because the Republic of Croatia is just beginning the introduction of green policy and zero waste access to catering.

We are looking forward to the next meetings and all the events that will take place in the Oaza Joyful Kitchen restaurant! 


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