OAZA Joyful Kitchen - Zero Waste značka
Dana 09.
veljače 2022. Godine učenici Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“
posjetili su OAZA JoYful Kitchen kako bi im uručili Zero Waste značku. OAZA
Joyful Kitchen je zadovoljila kriterije Zero Waste upitnika, te smo im ponosno
dodijeliliZero Waste značku koju su postavili na vidljivo mjesto. OAZA Joyful
Kitchen nalazi se Radićeva ulica, 9 u Centru Zagreba. Restoran je isključivo
vege-restoran i nudi razna jela i specijalitete koji su nutritivno bogati i
zdravi. Svu hranu koju pripremaju u restoranu izrađuju sami, te nabavljaju
hranu od domaćih proizvođača koji proizvode organsku hranu. Također, društveno
su odgovorni i paze na očuvanje okoliša, te se iz tog razloga koriste
kompostiranom ambalažom. Restoran OAZA Joyful Kitchen provodi edukacije,
radionice za mlade, a ako želite održati domjenak ili seminar možete im se
Joyful Kitchen je naš novi partner i jako nam je drago što smo im dodijelili
Zero Waste značku i što imamo priliku s njima surađivati.
Ako ste
zainteresirani isprobati njihova jela i zdrava i osvježavajuća pića, ponudu
pogledati na slijedećoj web stranici: https://joyful-kitchen.com/o-nama/
February 9, 2022, students of the Center for Education "Slava Raškaj"
visited OAZA JoYful Kitchen to present them with a Zero Waste badge. OAZA
Joyful Kitchen met the criteria of the Zero Waste questionnaire, and we proudly
awarded them the Zero Waste badge, which they placed in a visible place. OAZA
Joyful Kitchen is located at Radićeva ulica, 9 in the center of Zagreb. The
restaurant is exclusively a veggie restaurant and offers a variety of dishes
and specialties that are nutritionally rich and healthy. They make all the food
they prepare in the restaurant themselves, and procure food from local
producers who produce organic food. Also, they are socially responsible and
take care of the environment, and for that reason they use composted packaging.
OAZA Joyful Kitchen restaurant conducts trainings, workshops for young people,
and if you want to hold a reception or seminar, you can contact them.
Joyful Kitchen is our new partner and we are very glad that we awarded them the
Zero Waste badge and that we have the opportunity to work with them.
If you
are interested in trying their dishes and healthy and refreshing drinks, offer
you can look at the following website: https://joyful-kitchen.com/about-us/
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