Li'Moon Morethanbar - Zero Waste značka

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Dana 14. veljače 2022. Godine učenici Centra „Slava Raškaj“ dodijelili su treću Zero Waste značku. Ovaj put Zero Waste značku dobio je Li'Moon Morethanbar koji se nalazi na adresi Medvedgradska ulica, 49 u Zagrebu. Li'Moon je bar koji nudi ugodnu i opuštenu atmosferu, ukusne snackove, kavu i piće u Centru grada uz dašak Dalmacije.Uz sva pića koja posjeduju u Li'Moon baru nude cijeđene sokove od eko limuna i naranči koje nabavljaju s otoka Visa. Pored dalmatinske kuhinje nude veganska i vegetarijanska jela. Drago nam je što smo još jednom bar dodijelili zero waste značku i da ima sve više takvih restorana i barova. Nadamo se da ćemo s Li'Moon Morethanbarom imati još lijepih suradnji.

Ako Vas je ovaj bar zainteresirao možete vidjeti više informacije na slijedećoj web stranici:          


Dear readers,

On February 14, 2022, the students of the Center „Slava Raškaj“ awarded the third Zero Waste badge. This time the Zero Waste badge was awarded to Li'Moon Morethanbar, located at Medvedgradska ulica, 49 in Zagreb. Li'Moon is a bar that offers a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, delicious snacks, coffee and drinks in the city center with a touch of Dalmatia. In addition to Dalmatian cuisine, they offer vegan and vegetarian dishes. We are glad that we have at least once again awarded the zero waste badge and that there are more such restaurants and bars. We hope to have more nice collaborations with Li'Moon Morethanbar.

If you are interested in this bar, you can see more information on the following website: 


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