16. 02. 2022. Multiplayer event Zero Waste Power in HoReCa

Dana 16. Veljače 2022. Godine u edukacijskoj dvorani restorana OAZA Joyful Kitchen održao se Multiplayer event. Multiplayer event organizirao je Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava Raškaj“ u sklopu završetka projekta Zero Waste Power in HoReCa. Program je započeo u 11: 00h, te su na eventu bili nazočni partneri projekta iz Italije, Španjolske, Slovenije, i Hrvatske, dok su partneri iz Irske sudjelovali putem Zoom platforme. Na Multiplayer event bili su pozvani naši učenici i mediji kako bi podjelili svoja iskustva s ciljem širenja zero waste tema i veću popularizaciju zelenih oblika poslovanja. Brigita jerić voditeljica projekta Zero Waste Power in HoReCa je sve sudionike srdačno pozdravila i najavila da ćemo u prezentaciji vidjeti što je se sve postiglo tijekom provođenja projekta. Također, svaki partner imao je svoj dio prezentacije, gdje smo mogli čuti opće informacije o Zero Waste Power in HoReCa, o video-lekcijama za učenje o zero waste koji je uključivao šest zero waste tema, Zero Waste Escape room igru, o korikulumu, digitalnim alatima za procjenu zero waste razine u hoteljerstvu i ugostiteljstvu. Naši učenici imali su priliku prikazati kako im je bilo na studijskim putovanjima u Dubrovniku, Rimu, Granadi i Celju gdje su iznijeli svoje dojmove. Naš učenik Bajra za vrijeme projekta osmislio je pjesmu na temu zero waste koju je na našeiznenađenje pred svima izrecitirao. Također, bio je prikazan video kako su učenici provodili Zero Waste upitnik u Pizzeria Karijola, gdje su dodijelili Zero Waste značku koju su stavili na vrata svoje Pizzerie Karijola, te je postala primjer dobre prakse zaposlivši dva učenika Centra „Slava Raškaj“. Nakon održane prezentacije rezultata projekta uslijedio je domjenak s partnerima gdje su se izmjenili dojmovi i iskustva. Ovo nije kraj Zero Waste projektima u Centru „Slava Raškaj“. S veseljem Vas obavještavamo kako je krenuo novi zero waste projekt pod nazivom Zero Waste Caterin Lab.

Veselimo se svim novim suradnjama i novim uspjesima !


On February 16, 2022, a Multiplayer event was held in the educational hall of the OAZA Joyful Kitchen restaurant. The multiplayer event was organized by the Center for Education "Slava Raškaj" as part of the completion of the project Zero Waste Power in HoReCa. The program started at 11:00, and the event was attended by project partners from Italy, Spain, Slovenia and Croatia, while partners from Ireland participated through the Zoom platform. Our students and the media were invited to the Multiplayer event to share their experiences with the aim of spreading zero waste topics and greater popularization of green forms of business. Brigita jerić, project manager of Zero Waste Power in HoReCa, cordially greeted all participants and announced that in the presentation we will see what has been achieved during the project. Also, each partner had their part of the presentation, where we could hear general information about Zero Waste Power in HoReCa, about video lessons for learning about zero waste that included six zero waste topics, Zero Waste Escape room game, about the curriculum, digital tools for estimating the zero waste level in the hotel and catering industry. Our students had the opportunity to show how they felt on their study trips to Dubrovnik, Rome, Granada and Celje, where they shared their impressions. During the project, our student Bajra created a song on the topic of zero waste, which he recited in front of everyone to our surprise. Also, a video was shown of students conducting a Zero Waste questionnaire at Pizzeria Karijola, where they awarded a Zero Waste badge to their Pizzeria Karijola, and it became an example of good practice by hiring two students from the Slava Raškaj Center. After the presentation of the project results, a reception with partners followed, where impressions and experiences were exchanged. This is not the end of Zero Waste projects at the Slava Raškaj Center. We are pleased to inform you that a new zero waste project called Zero Waste Caterin Lab has started.

We look forward to all new collaborations and new successes!




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