Stigli u Celje!
Dana 22. Studenoga 2021. Godine naši učenici su stigli u Celje. Učenici su se upoznali sa drugim sudionicima Zero Waste projekta. Njihov domaćin je bila Srednja Šola za Gostinstvo in Turizem Celje, koji im je pripremio predivnu dobrodošlicu, te su išli u obilazak škole. Nakon ugodne dobrodošlice i upoznavanja, učenici su imali priliku upoznati se sa znamenitostima grada Celja. Nadam se da im je prvi dan u Celju protekao odlično i da su uživali u upoznavanju Celja.
November 22, 2021, our students arrived in Celje. The students met other
participants of the Zero Waste project. Their host was the High School for catering
and Tourism Celje, which prepared a wonderful welcome for them, and they went
on a tour of the school. After a pleasant welcome and introduction, the
students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the sights of the city of
Celje. I hope that their first day in Celje went great and that they enjoyed
getting to know Celje.
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