Razveselili su nas pokloni, hvala donatorima! :)

Danas se u našem Centru održala podjela božićnih darova našim učenicima.  Za božićne darove pobrinuli su se brojni donatori koji su svojim posjetom i doprinosom razveselili naše učenike. Želimo im zahvaliti na dobroj volji i doprinosu što su našim učenicima uljepšali ove blagdanske dane, te im želimo sretan Božić i puno uspjeha u Novoj 2022. Godini.

Veselimo se budućim suradnjama s Vama!


Today, the distribution of Christmas presents to our students took place in our Center. The Christmas presents were provided by various donors, who delighted our students with their visit and contribution. We would like to thank them for their good will and contribution for making these holidays better for our students, and we wish them a Merry Christmas and a lot of success in the New 2022 Year.

We look forward to future collaborations with you!


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