Online On arrival training - Anino iskustvo
razdoblju od 6. do 10. prosinca 2021. Godine održana je online edukacija
volontera pod nazivom On-arrival. Edukacija je trebala biti održana u Osijeku,
ali zbog trenutne situacije s pandemijom COVID-19 edukacija je održana na Zoom
platformi. Na edukaciji je sudjelovalo 16 volontera iz različitih zemalja,
uključujući i volontere iz Hrvatske. Iz Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje „Slava
Raškaj“ na edukaciju su bile pozvane naše dvije volonterke Petra i Ana. Kroz
edukaciju su nas vodili vrhunski treneri koji su se pobrinuli za dobru
atmosferu na radionicama, imali vedar duh, te nas poticali da dijelimo svoja
razmišljanja i iskustva. Radionice su uključivale teme vezano za komunikaciju,
interkulturne razlike, solidarnost, o ulogama i odgovornostima volontera, mentora,
supervizora, nacionalnih agencija i Europske organizacije solidarnosti. Radionice su bile jako korisne jer smo puno
naučili o komunikaciji, te kako bez dobre komunikacije u ustanovama u kojima
volontiramo zadatak ne može biti uspješno obavljen. Petra i ja smo upoznale
nove ljude i razmijenili iskustva o volontiranju u zemljama u kojima žive, te će
nam ova edukacija pridonijeti našem rastu i razvoju na osobnom i
profesionalnom planu.
In the
period from 6 to 10 December 2021, an online training of volunteers called
On-arrival was held. The training was supposed to be held in Osijek, but due to
the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the training was held on the
Zoom platform. The training was attended by 16 volunteers from different countries,
including volunteers from Croatia. Our two volunteers Petra and Ana from the
Center for Education "Slava Raškaj" were invited to the training. We
were guided through the training by top coaches who took care of the good
atmosphere at the workshops, had a cheerful spirit, and encouraged us to share
our thoughts and experiences. The workshops included topics related to
communication, intercultural differences, solidarity, on the roles and
responsibilities of volunteers, mentors, supervisors, national agencies and the
European Solidarity Organization. The workshops were very useful because we
learned a lot about communication, and how without good communication in the
institutions where we volunteer, the task cannot be successfully completed.
Petra and I met new people and exchanged experiences about volunteering in the
countries where they live, and this education will contribute to our growth and
development on a personal and professional level.
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