Intervju s Matejem
Naši učenici su se vratili sa Zero Waste Power in HoReca projekta koji se održao u Celju, a svoje dojmove s putovanja podijelio mi je naš učenik Matej.
Završni dio Zero Waste Power in HoReCa održao se u u gradu Celju, Sloveniji od 22. studenoga do 26. studenoga 2021. godine na kojem su sudjelovale tri ugostiteljske škole. Matej nam je otkrio da su prvog dana u Celju imali upoznavanje s drugim sudionicima projekta. Nakon upoznavanja sudionika imali su predavanje o načinima kako smanjiti korištenje plastike u ugostiteljstvu, kako reciklirati odjeću koja više nije čisti pamuk i o drugim načinima zaštite okoliša, budući da sve odlazi u more i dolazi do zagađenja životinjskih i biljnih vrsta u moru.
Drugog dana su otputovali u Ljubljanu, gdje su posjetili Ekogolozi brez meju
neprofitnu organizaciju. Sudionici su imali predavanje o okolišu, te su vidjeli
znamenitosti grada. Trećeg dana projekta su morali ocjenjivati ugostiteljske
objekte pomoću Zero Waste upitnika. Naši učenici su imali zadatak ocijeniti
hotel Evropa i restoran Francl, te su na temelju tih rezultata napravili
prezentaciju rezultata. Četvrtog dana projekta imali su radionicu gdje su
od mongolske jurte koja se proizvodi bez ugljičnog otiska izrađivali
tradicionalne kućice. Peti dan učenici su imali prezentaciju rezultata hotela
Evropa i restorana Francl koji su imali više od 80 bodova što je odličan rezultat. Jedini
je problem što još uvijek ne mogu utjecati na dostavu hrane koja još uvijek
dolazi u plastičnoj ambalaži umjesto u papirnatoj. Također, prezentacija
rezultata drugih restorana bila je na visokoj razini više od 85 bodova, što
znači da se Celje trudi uvesti jako puno ugostiteljskih objekata u zero waste
koncept. Zadatak im je da i starije populacije postanu svjesnije u zaštiti
okoliša i da se više aktiviraju i zainteresiraju za zero waste koncept.
da je prvi put u projektu, jako mu se svidjelo i rado bi ponovno sudjelovao u
projektu. Saznao je kako ljudi nisu svjesni koliko se otpada napravi, što jako
zagađuje okoliš, upoznao je nove ljude i istaknuo kako mu je ovo jako vrijedno
iskustvo za daljnji rad.
students returned from the Zero Waste Power in HoReca project that took place
in Celje, and our student Matej shared his impressions from the trip.
final part of Zero Waste Power in HoReC was held in the city of Celje, Slovenia
from November 22 to November 26, 2021, in which three catering schools participated.
Matej revealed to us that on the first day in Celje they met other project
participants. After meeting the participants, they had a lecture on ways to
reduce the use of plastic in catering, how to recycle clothes that are no
longer pure cotton and other ways to protect the environment, as everything
goes to sea and there is pollution of animal and plant species in the sea. On
the second day, they traveled to Ljubljana, where Ecologists Without Borders
visited a non-profit organization. Participants had a lecture on the
environment, and saw the sights of the city. On the third day of the project,
they had to evaluate catering facilities using the Zero Waste questionnaire.
Our students had the task to evaluate the hotel Evropa and the restaurant Francl,
and based on these results they made a presentation of the results. On the
fourth day of the project, they had a workshop where they made traditional
houses from a Mongolian yurt produced without a carbon footprint. On the fifth
day, the students had a presentation of the results of the Hotel Evropa and the
Franzl restaurant, which had more than 80 points, which is an excellent result.
The only problem is that I still can’t influence the delivery of food that
still comes in plastic packaging instead of paper. Also, the presentation of
the results of other restaurants was at a high level of more than 85 points,
which means that Celje is trying to introduce a lot of restaurants in the zero
waste concept. Their task is to make older populations more aware of
environmental protection and to become more active and interested in the zero
waste concept.
this is his first time in the project, he really liked it and would love to
participate in the project again. He learned that people are not aware of how
much waste is made, which greatly pollutes the environment, he met new people
and pointed out that this is a very valuable experience for him to continue
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