First Digital CV workshop!

U četvrtak 28.10.2021. sam imala priliku upoznati učenike s konceptom digitalnih životopisa. To predavanje je bilo ujedno i naš prvi susret. Upoznala sam učenike iz 4. srednje koji se školuju da budu kuhari/ce. Raspravljali smo o tome što je životopis, što on sadržava i kako ga možemo napisati da nam bude od najveće koristi u procesu zaposlenja. Zatim smo prešli na temu samih digitalnih životopisa. Razgovarali smo o tome kako i zašto bi nam upravo takav životopis pomogao da se istaknemo na tržištu rada. Zaključili smo da je to jedan izuzetno koristan način da se prikažemo na jedan puno osobniji i dinamičniji način. Učenike je posebno zainterisirao cijeli koncept digitalnih životopisa nakon što su vidjeli primjer digitalnog životopisa njihova prijatelja i bivšeg učenika škole. Radionica je bila produktivna i dobar početak jednog uzbudljivog, novog poglavlja.

On Thursday, October 28th 2021, I had the opportunity of introducing the students to the concept of digital CVs. It was also the first time we met. I got to meet the seniors who are getting their education to become cooks. We discussed what a CV is, what it entails and how we can write it so that it can be of the highest benefit to us in the process of employment. Then we moved on to talk about digital CVs. We went over why and how exactly that kind of CV would help us stand out in the job market. We concluded that it is an extremely useful way of showing ourselves in a completely different light, in a more personal and dynamic way. Students were particularly intrigued by the concept of digital CVs after having seen an example of a digital CV that their friend and former student had made. The workshop was productive and marks a good start to a new and exciting chapter.


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