"Unstoppable together." Project within the European Solidarity Corps program

From 1.9.2021. our project "Unstoppable together" has started activities in finding new volunteers who will enrich the work in the Center and bring positive energy of togetherness and inclusion!
We look forward to introducing the new volunteers and their activities that will be carried out during this school year. You can follow all the adventures and support us with suggestions, ideas and tips on this Blog which will soon be filled with beautiful stories about the adventures of our volunteers and students who are Unstoppable together!

"Unstoppable together" . Projekt u okviru programa Europske snage solidarnosti

Od 1.9.2021. naš projekt "Unstoppable together" započeo je aktivnosti u pronalaženju novih volontera koji će obogatiti rad u Centru i donijeti pozitivnu energiju zajedništva i uključivanja!
Veselimo se predstaviti nove volontere i njihove aktivnosti koje će se provoditi tijekom ove školske godine. Sve avanture možete pratiti i podržati nas prijedlozima, idejama i savjetima na ovom Blogu koji će uskoro biti ispunjen lijepim pričama o dogodovštinama naših volontera i učenika koji su Unstoppable together!


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